One of the major initiatives of HQ Tennis Foundation is to create a safe and beautiful space where everyone can experience tennis together.
HQ Tennis Foundation can be found on Jackie Robinson Playground tennis courts and Linden Park tennis courts.
Our first initiative to beautify and rehabilitate the tennis courts at Jackie Robinson Park began in 2019 and continues to accomplish the goals set out, specifically with the significant renovation of the courts in Spring of 2023.
Our recent concession’s win and assignment at Linden Park Tennis Courts has us tickled with abundance and favor. This park has been in the East NY, Brooklyn community for nearly 80 years, and is named after the adjacent Linden Blvd. We host “Play Dates” and “Mindful” Collabs and the Community Raves as to how peaceful the courts are. We want to build community and build our youth through the love of tennis. We offer adult group classes, private lessons, and youth programs.
These community projects are a once-in-a-lifetime investment that will not only produce an outstanding and safe place where people of all ages can explore and play, but will also serve as a tangible model for social engagement, vision, and mindfulness that will leave a lasting impact on the community for years to come.
Play / Learn / Socialize
- through HQ -
HQ Tennis Hitters List – Free Play are housed at the Jackie Robinson Tennis Courts. We are striving to build a community of members who want to play, learn, socialize, and work together in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, New York. Why Don’t You Join the HQ Hitters List? It is FREE. Find others on similar playing levels to free play tennis with.
For more information about the courts or HQ Tennis,
call: 917-740-7995
or email: [email protected]
Help Create a Safe
and Beautiful Space to Excel
HQ Tennis Foundation (HQF) is always looking for ways to break down boundaries in tennis and creates a safe space for participants from diverse backgrounds to share experiences, including allowing participants to reach higher levels of quality tennis. We provide tennis exposure, as well as, High-Quality Tennis lessons and opportunities that will allow participants to excel to professional levels.
HQ Tennis brings High-Quality Tennis experiences to those that might not normally have access to it. We have the Jr. Academy for kids ages 3-18 and Adult group and private classes. Classes meet in small groups where students are safely connected with coaches and other participants who share their interests.
We hold community outreach events and programs, we offer financial assistance to families in need, and scholarships to children passionate about the sport of tennis.
Family Financial Scholarship Fund
Keeping Up with HQ Tennis
HQ Tennis in the News: Press & Media
Epicenter NYC
July 22, 2024
A Brooklyn tennis debacle highlights the need for a better bidding process
Bed-Stuy residents push for community involvement in concession bids after a popular tennis coach was outbid to teach at her neighborhood’s court.
For up-to-date HQ Tennis Info and Events
Donate to help our communities fall in love with Tennis.
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If you’re interested in supporting or partnering with, email [email protected]